His success is also due to his spirit of enterprise, his supreme self-confidence, and his conviction in his abilities. He is able to move with the times and grab opportunities whenever they arise. He is an extremely energetic and charming person and it is unusual to see him without a twinkle in his eye or a big smile on his face.

Brief info
Mr. R Manjunath was born as the son of a Civil Contractor. He owns seven companies and employs more than 700 Persons. He began by providing the infrastructure for small exhibitions at the Tender age of 14. He got a big break when he was awarded the contract for the Karnataka pavilion at the IITF in Delhi. In 1980 he established the company FABRICANA which is now one of India’s largest exhibition infrastructure & Service providers for important Exhibitions, Conferences, and Events. He mentioned sincerity and hard work, ensuring that deadlines were met and taking care of the welfare of his employees. While all this has no doubt contributed to his success, they do not tell the whole story.